Good Morning, Holy Spirit


Good Morning, Holy Spirit
Good Morning, Holy Spirit
by Authors: Benny Hinn
Released: 07 May, 1997
ISBN: 0785271767

Sales Rank: 29844

Book > Good Morning, Holy Spirit > Customer Reviews:
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Good Morning, Holy Spirit > Customer Review #1:
Another False Teacher

If you want an honest, Biblical view of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, just read your Bible. Afterall, the One who knows the Holy Spirit best, God Himself, HE wrote the Bible. What would we do without all these men who write so many books about the things of God?? We would read the Bible more! And we would listen to the Holy Spirit Himself, explaining His Word to us in our hearts, the way He intends for us to read the Word and learn about Him... For Benny Hinn, another day, another book, another dollar, and hes laughing all the way to the bank. Asking God to open your eyes, get your concordance out sometime and do a search and study in your Bible on "false teachers" and "false prophets." All you need is your Bible. God wrote it, and God knows more than Benny Hinn.

Good Morning, Holy Spirit > Customer Review #2:
A great journey through the anointing of God

For some the name Benny Hinn may conjure up thoughts of swindlers and con-artists just waiting to take a buck. Many people who "hate" Benny Hinn will, if theyre honest with themselves, admit that they have very little belief in any type of modern works of the Holy Spirit also. The book details the life and journey of a man that becomes mightily used of God. The book displays the awesome power of the Holy Spirit and how through the manifest presence of God lives are changed forever. If Benny Hinn is a swindler then he is a swindler mightliy used of God to bring millions of souls into the Fathers kingdom.

Good Morning, Holy Spirit > Customer Review #3:

If you buy into the often emotional and occasional heretical teaching of Benny Hinn, I guess you probably already have this book. If you want an honest, Biblical view of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, I would recommend Donald MacLeods "The Spirit of Promise." It may not be as ear tickling, but it is for those who have ears to hear.

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