World History: Patterns of Interaction


World History: Patterns of Interaction
World History: Patterns of Interaction
Manufacturer: Mcdougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin
Released: May, 1999
ISBN: 039587274X

Sales Rank: 78946

Book > World History: Patterns of Interaction > Customer Reviews:
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World History: Patterns of Interaction > Customer Review #1:
World History: Patterns of Interactions

Book received in excellent condition and in timely manner. I would recommend using this site to other parents buying textbooks.

World History: Patterns of Interaction > Customer Review #2:
Average World History Book

World History Patterns of Interaction is a fairly good book for the basics, but the authors do not do the best at linking everything together. The pictures complements the text nicely. But the book is not geographically split into chapters it is chronological (A bit frustrating for me). The book concentrates on the details that are not of great value. There are better world history books in the market.

World History: Patterns of Interaction > Customer Review #3:
Dont buy.

This book is terrible. I was shocked to find that the object of many hours of study for my IB World History class was this middle school-level book. Its filled with more pictures and phony biographical sketches than information and (heaven forbid) intelligent analysis. lt;brgt;Not only is it monotonous and dull, its superficial. One thing I found is the end of the Viking terror in Europe is justified in this book by two reasons alone: the acceptance of Christianity and an increase in agricultural projects due to warmer climate. This answer is vague and misleading. Although the climate did increase, it did not lead the Vikings simply to lounge around and farm. What happened was they moved to Iceland and Greenland, where the land was suddenly more inhabitable. What is also intentially misleading here is the part about accepting a new religion. The point was that there was a distinct change in philosophy - dying for their pagan god was once considered a great honor, but without him there was little point - not a change in moral values as the wording suggests. As my book quotes, "the Vikings were awesome.

Sure, this is only a considerably minor fault for such a large book, but there are too many similar examples. This book is a poor choice. Unfortunately, most textbooks do fall behind in their purpose. I would suggest finding a better book but not sticking soley to it, as textbooks tend to have their faults. Resources such as the History channel and historical articles are effective and much more interesting. Guns Germs and Steel is also a great choice. Please use them to your advantage and save another unfortunate child the torture of reading this.

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